Engineer’s Club of Minneapolis – What we do.
The Engineer’s Club of Minneapolis meets once a month for a luncheon and program (typically with guest speakers) from September through May. We also schedule tours and various trips through local manufacturing concerns and technical facilities and other buildings or business’ of interest to the members. We sponsor events of a social, civic or educational nature depending on the various interests of our membership. We sponsor a scholarship, awarded annually through the University of Minnesota Foundation in our name. The long range goal of ECM is to improve and enhance the educational and career opportunities for the engineering community.

Engineer’s Club of Minneapolis – Mission Statement
The Engineer’s Club of Minneapolis (ECM) is a technical and social forum serving the business, governmental and educational community of the greater Twin Cities area. The mission of ECM is four fold –
     1.  To contribute time and talent or the betterment and growth of the community.
     2.  To demonstrate the Club’s community interest.
     3.  To act as a sounding board on public interests.
     4.  To contribute to the self-development of the members.